Thought I would share what I have been up to with the Japanese fabric I received from Buttons by LouLou. I have made the boys some red linen three quarter pants with the fabric pocket and a cute wood button. Cool and comfy for summer! Visit Lou's etsy store to see more great fabrics, hair accessories and buttons.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Stick 'em Up!
We have a dilemma, the house we have bought is situated next to a vacant block and every wild cat in town likes to hang out in it. That is fine until they decide to visit their
My cat is 12 and is not a fighter, as such she gets beaten up fairly regularly. I do all the right things, I dont let her out after dark and only let her out in the back yard where she is protected by Gilbert the wonderdog. However she was attacked at 2pm down the narrow side of the house where the dog cant go because he is too big. So much for the after dark theory! So off to the vet for a drain in her back ($380), she had been recovering nicely from that last attack, all fur had grown back and things were quiet, until we had a massive storm and she ran and hid under the house, here is the result 12 stitches and more antibiotics ($454)
My cat is 12 and is not a fighter, as such she gets beaten up fairly regularly. I do all the right things, I dont let her out after dark and only let her out in the back yard where she is protected by Gilbert the wonderdog. However she was attacked at 2pm down the narrow side of the house where the dog cant go because he is too big. So much for the after dark theory! So off to the vet for a drain in her back ($380), she had been recovering nicely from that last attack, all fur had grown back and things were quiet, until we had a massive storm and she ran and hid under the house, here is the result 12 stitches and more antibiotics ($454)
Any solutions greatly appreciated (and yes that is my messy sewing room floor!)
Friday, November 27, 2009
When the Circus Comes to Town
Benjamin is very excited as the circus has come to town and is in our street! He has not been to the circus and will not be going to the circus because I am too cheap and refuse to pay $155. However being only 2 he loves to look at the lights. Everynight the tents change colours and as he knows his colours we stand outside our house waiting for the tent lights to change as he shouts out boo, lellow, wed, purple, gween..... priceless.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
To Have and To Hold...
Today is our 3rd wedding anniversary, where do the years go? Since being married we have lived in 3 states, moved to Kalgoorlie with 3 suitcases a dog a cat and a 4mth old baby, we have had a second baby, started a business, bought our first home, seen 2 weddings, 4 divorces and 1 funeral. I am tired and never, ever, ever want to move ever again!
New Shorts In Store Now!
I must confess that I am a little in love with this new fabric, a great unisex design and made into super comfy wide leg long shorts. Available in store now!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Little One Baby Interview
The gorgeous Little One Baby magazine has hit the shelves and we were interviewed for the premmie baby section. It was so nice to see our little boys in the magazine! If you do happen to read the interview please let me elaborate on Joshua's early arrival. Labour started weeks before his birth but living in Kalgoorlie I would have been flown by the flying doctors to Perth as they dont have the facilities here for a premmie. I begged them to stop the labour as I knew what it was like to go home without my first baby I sure as hell didnt want to do it again with the second. Luckily the doctors were able to stop the labour but not the contractions, so for the next 3weeks I took tablets every 4hours and had contractions every 30mins. I felt like Big Ben, those darn contractions were spot on 30mins all day and all night.
As well as the interview they popped in a picture of our Peacock Slip
As well as the interview they popped in a picture of our Peacock Slip
Thanks Little One Baby!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
When a Magazine Calls.....
...get ready to party! Well we have just had our first ever phone call for products, needless to say we are a little excited. Two of our products will be heading off to a Shop 4 Kids photo shoot for their next issue due out Feb '10. We have been in their fabulous magazine once before which was through a general call out for products but to have a magazine ring and ask (and very politely ask too) well that is just a little more exciting. Thanks Shop 4 Kids!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Another Handmade Swap!
I received my gorgeous decal in the post today from the lovely Maryanne of Little Bird Decor, their website is currently under construction however you can buy these two cute birds from her made it shop along with her range of hairclips. I was lucky enough to also be given a cute set of these clips which I am going to give to my niece for Christmas, thankyou Maryanne!
I was not sure how the decal would work as all the walls in my house are tin but it has worked beautifully, it also came with very easy instructions and even a white cloth glove to help in the application process. A fantastic product and very easy to apply, I am now totally addicted to these decals and am eyeing off several blank walls in my house.
Benjamin is loving the birds and keeps making bird noises, it seems he cant decide if they are owls, ducks or chickens so we get to hear his whole bird call repertoire. Thankyou for a great swap Little Bird Decor!
I was not sure how the decal would work as all the walls in my house are tin but it has worked beautifully, it also came with very easy instructions and even a white cloth glove to help in the application process. A fantastic product and very easy to apply, I am now totally addicted to these decals and am eyeing off several blank walls in my house.
Benjamin is loving the birds and keeps making bird noises, it seems he cant decide if they are owls, ducks or chickens so we get to hear his whole bird call repertoire. Thankyou for a great swap Little Bird Decor!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thankyou Bird & the Babies
I have been awarded a Kreativ Blogger award by the lovely Katie from Bird and the Babies and there are a few rules that need to be followed... so here goes
1. Copy the award picture and post on your blog.......done
2. Thank the person who gave it to you and link to their blog.........with pleasure
3. Write 7 things about yourself that we dont know.........bit trickier
1. I like to eat my kiwifruit with the skin on
2. I have 6 half knitted jumpers to finish
3. I backpacked around Vietnam alone
4. I have a small addiction to Green Curry Chicken
5. I dislike driving immensely
6. I love to lie in bed and listen to the rain
7. I dont cope well in cold weather
4. Choose 7 other bloggers to pass the award to.....mmmmmm so many to choose from
5. Link to those 7 other bloggers........ click away
Thula Thula
Mee a Bee
Buttons by Lou Lou
Zippy Zippy
6. Notify your bloggers.....that was fun!!!
1. Copy the award picture and post on your blog.......done
2. Thank the person who gave it to you and link to their blog.........with pleasure
3. Write 7 things about yourself that we dont know.........bit trickier
1. I like to eat my kiwifruit with the skin on
2. I have 6 half knitted jumpers to finish
3. I backpacked around Vietnam alone
4. I have a small addiction to Green Curry Chicken
5. I dislike driving immensely
6. I love to lie in bed and listen to the rain
7. I dont cope well in cold weather
4. Choose 7 other bloggers to pass the award to.....mmmmmm so many to choose from
5. Link to those 7 other bloggers........ click away
Thula Thula
Mee a Bee
Buttons by Lou Lou
Zippy Zippy
6. Notify your bloggers.....that was fun!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Studio Bambini Photo Shoot
After days of work and sleepless nights it was time for our winter photo shoot. The day began well I dropped hubby and baby at airport, dropped big brother at day care and still had plenty of time to iron the clothes sew on a few buttons and pack the car, until............ Hubby calls to say plane is delayed and can I please return to the airport. Qantas had to fly an engineer from Perth to look at the plane and that took 6hrs, ofcourse he and baby missed their connecting flight to Brisbane and are now at this moment after 11hrs finally in Perth with a 5hr flight ahead to Brisbane and then the 2hr drive to Noosa.
I get to the studio late, buttons missing, clothes rack broken, props forgotten. We soldier on and try to get a few shots until 1st model has some sort of allergy and cannot take her fingers from her eyes, nose and mouth and 2nd model refuses to put on any clothes, understandable as it was 40degrees and the clothes were for winter.
Nevertheless things worked themselves out and we did get a couple of nice shots...
I get to the studio late, buttons missing, clothes rack broken, props forgotten. We soldier on and try to get a few shots until 1st model has some sort of allergy and cannot take her fingers from her eyes, nose and mouth and 2nd model refuses to put on any clothes, understandable as it was 40degrees and the clothes were for winter.
Nevertheless things worked themselves out and we did get a couple of nice shots...
I would love to post a photo of Winter '10 but that would be cheating now wouldn't it, so have popped a couple of new summer ones I have made up for Christmas from today instead.
Bye Bye Baby Bye Bye
Brennan and Joshua have left for Noosa today to go to our friends wedding. Joshua being under 2 means he travels for free which all sounds good in theory until you have to fly for 12hrs and change planes 3 times with the forementioned under 2. I have done this twice by myself so I'm thinking its a good thing for my husband to experience. Have a great time boys we will miss you x
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Channeling Alice
I have been working till midnight and getting up from 3am for a teething baby the last 2 nights which is do-able if baby goes back to sleep but this little baby just likes to sing which is far better than crying but still not sleeping, things are getting fuzzy and I am starting to feel like Alice.............
what was it that made that darn cat so relaxed??????????????
photo courtesy of
what was it that made that darn cat so relaxed??????????????
Saturday, November 7, 2009
What you Talkin 'bout Willis?!
Well we have made the big decision to advertise in Studio Bambini, this is our first paid magazine advertising so no experience in this area at all. When I confirmed the ad I sent an email asking for requirements deadlines etc and was under the impression that I had until December to have everything ready. This is not the case, I just received a "friendly reminder" to have everything sent by Monday... AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So am madly crocheting and sewing and knitting and booking the photographer and finding a model and wondering what the heck is a TIFF file and looking after the kids and cooking meals and washing clothes and cleaning the house (okay maybe not so much cleaning going on). Farewell dear blog readers I will be back with a large glass of wine when all is finished..................................
So am madly crocheting and sewing and knitting and booking the photographer and finding a model and wondering what the heck is a TIFF file and looking after the kids and cooking meals and washing clothes and cleaning the house (okay maybe not so much cleaning going on). Farewell dear blog readers I will be back with a large glass of wine when all is finished..................................
Friday, November 6, 2009
While reading through my blog list I saw a new post by MeeaBee (who is by the way holding a competition to win one of her stunning bags click here ) off I go to check it out and she has a link to another blog Hansel & Gretel which I click through to and what do you know we have been featured right underneath MeeaBee!! Thankyou Hansel & Gretel , check out their blog here
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Paper Dolls

If you would like to print these out in a large size please follow this link
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Bert & Ernie
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