Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I Confess.....
So dear blog readers I am posting this to show him that I wish him no harm , my poor deluded husband ...but just in case dont sign anything I give you without reading it first, maybe get in a taste tester for all meals oh and if it tastes bitter dont drink it! x
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Fashion Quandary

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Seeing Clearly
But keep posted as I have been working on some lovely dresses for Mary of My Baby Rocks based over here in WA. Mary has chosen great designer fabrics to be made exclusively for her online store so I will post more when they are all finished and on her site which will be soon...... I promise!! now where is that Nurofen???????????
Monday, October 26, 2009
Handmade Swap with MeeaBee

Today I received my gorgeous bag from MeeaBee. Jacqui is a New Zealander living in Japan and makes these fantastic messenger bags in the loveliest Japanese fabrics. Needless to say I am a little green with envy.............

The quality of this bag is fantastic, beautiful fabric and talented craftmanship I would highly recommend these to everyone! You can buy these great bags from her etsy store and you can follow what Jacqui is up to in Japan via her blog
Thankyou so much Jacqui!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Who are you and What have you done with my Parents?
An early Halloween party last night. As my husband is freakishly tall it was only fitting that he be Frankenstein, and one look at the Belly Dancer fat suit and I was in love.........
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Handmade Swap - Buttons by Lou Lou

A few days ago I received one of my swap items, some gorgeous Japanese fabric from Lou of Buttons by Lou Lou. (I will be making a little something out of this and will post photos when finished.)
In the meantime if you are looking to buy some divine accessories or buttons you must check out her website or if you are in Melbourne Nov 22 you can see Lou at Mathildas Market. Beautiful, cute, fun, modern and classic fabrics that Lou has found are carefully made into unique limited edition fabric covered buttons. Keep up to date with Lou on her blog
In exchange for the fabric I sent some nautical stripe shorts (available in store now) for her Master Sprouts and here they are......................

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
We've Made it on Made It Part 2
Now when we were asked to participate I had to send in some photos of my workspace, mild panic set in! My workroom is in constant chaos, has no shelves and has about 6 projects on the go at any time. The door is always closed as it is my messy little secret. So I decided to send nice close up shots like the one above, which dont really show my workspace at all but for you dear blog readers here is the truth....
I know where everything is ofcourse, just name something and I will find it.... eventually
Monday, October 12, 2009
Love in the Handmade Community

The fantastic Naomi of has started a little swap meet of sorts between us designers/handmaders. This is a fantastic opportunity to come together as a group of small business like minded people rather than as competitors and I applaude her! It has also been lots of fun swapping products and I cant wait to get some goodies in the post, I will tell you all about them later when they arrive ;)
In the meantime if you love designs from the 30's and 40's then please check out Naomi's website, it is classic elegance at its best. Especially if you have a little boy sprout I just love these bowling shirts so Fonzie and the gang!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Dear Qantas & Skywest.....

So my dearest friends have a fantastic wedding in Noosa, we were married on the beach there and I hope your day is as beautiful as ours was.... I'm off to unpack my bikini.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Made It's Handmade Christmas Drive

Made It has a new blog and they are loving a handmade Christmas this year which I think is a fantastic idea (being a handmader and all!) So if you are looking for a Brusselsprouts limited edition bargain that will not be sold through our own store then check out this blog post featuring our "Quack Quack" dress..........
or just check out !!
Rain & Karma
It rained in Kalgoorlie yesterday for a whole 5mins, it doesnt happen often but when it does it pours. There are no drains in Kal so the roads get flooded very quickly and every kid just runs for the street to play and get splashed by passing cars. These photos are of my street which is 4 lanes wide, most streets here are very wide because the camel trains which used to bring supplies in from Perth had to be able to turn around in them.
Luckily enough I just got into my car before a 4WD full of lovely miners sprayed water all over it..... 
only to be broken down later (ha ha!)
One thing you need to learn quickly here is that you do not drive through water at breakneck speed.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Good Intentions & Infidelity

Needless to say with no power for 4hours not much was achieved in the way of work and instead much fun was to be had with two little sprouts and the house at the end of this time was to say the least a mess. Now I like to keep the mess a secret from my husband, I do this by running around at 6.30pm like a mad woman throwing things in cupboards and hurriedly doing dishes so that when he walks in the door 15 minutes later our life looks like a Norman Rockwell postcard. This is not because he expects that, far from it. I do this because I am a mild control freak who likes to think that I have everything under control at all times. So when he arrived home an hour early I felt like I had been caught out redhanded, fortunately this guilt was shortlived as I discovered he was completely oblivious to the mess. He was just happy to see us, his family....
I think I am going to enjoy this new love affair with mess and chaos.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Up Up and Away

Afscheid winter x
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