Since moving into our new (very old) house my weekly baking has been sadly lacking, though with an oven that has two settings.. raw or burnt I feel that I have been a little justified in not filling the biscuit tins. When lo and behold both boys fall asleep at the same time, a rare event in our house, I was inspired to put the oven to the test. Thinking that banana bread cannot possibly be a failure I forged ahead. Firstly I had no cinnamon so I thought of adding a few white chocolate chips , happy with my sheer brilliance I put said bread in oven and set timer. Off I head to my sewing machine and set to work. After awhile I wonder why I have not heard the timer.. this is because I did not turn it on (not feeling so brilliant anymore). So after being in the oven for an hour and a half, (twice as long as normal) my poor bread was burnt on the outside, raw in the middle and completely fell apart when turned out. Not a Martha Stewart moment. Luckily 2 year olds dont worry about aesthetics and ate said bread heartily.
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