Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Prayer to the Apple God

I am so excited, there are apples on my apple tree! The apple tree that my 6ft5 husband has to duck under to get to our front door, the apple tree that he wants to cut down, the apple tree that he said would bear no fruit. Well ha dee ha ha Mr Brusselsprouts cos I spy me some apples, now comes the hard part how to keep them on the tree long enough to get big and fat and edible??  so my argument for not cutting down the tree has some merit..............

1 comment:

ZippyZippy said...

Yay for the apple tree.
Maybe you could did out a hole under the tree for Mr. Tall Brusselsprouts to step down into to get past the tree, then everyone will be happy.
That is tall - I just thought from the pics, you were really short Mrs Brusselsprouts!